Chamber Events
17th Annual Cancer Ride Poker Run
17th Annual Cancer Ride Poker Run
June 19, 2021
Event Description:
Registration 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. at Thunderbird Liquor in Huron SD. Kick stands up and leaving at 11 a.m. (We will be having a dice ride again this year where we roll at each stop.) Returning to Thunderbird Liquor by 6 p.m. for meal (free will donation), live and silent auctions, 50/50 drawing and raffle tickets for 1/2 a hog. (1st place gets 1/2 a hog with a cooler and 2nd place will receive the other 1/2 of hog.) All proceeds raised are given 100% to Cure Kids Cancer. Everyone welcome! All vehicles, not just motorcycles, are welcomed to spend the day raising money for a great cause. If you can't make the ride, you are still welcome to come out that night and share a meal and raise money for such a great cause.