Chamber Events
Hearing Examiner Meeting
Hearing Examiner Meeting
October 15, 2013
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
A. Tom Baszler, Project Address 1949 Wisconsin SW, is requesting to construct an attached garage 3’ from the nortH property line, where code requires a 10’ side yard setback in an area zoned (R-1) One Family Residential District).
B. Dan Kempf, Project Address 156 Colorado SW, is requesting to subdivide a lot, where code requires that lots platted after March 1, 2002 have a minimum lot width of 100’ and a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet in an area zoned R-4 (Multiple Family Residential District):
1. The current lot size of 156 Colorado SW is 50’ X 165’;
2. The proposed lot of 156 Colorado SW would be reduced to 50’ X 115’;
3. The east 50’ X 50’ parcel of land at 156 Colorado SW would be added to 457 2nd St SW.
C. Elijah Rodriguez, Project Address 270 Kansas SE, is requesting to allow a tattoo and body piercing business, which is not a permitted use in an area zoned B-3 (General Business District).
D. Child Evangelism Fellowship of South Dakota Inc, Project Address 602 Oregon SE, is requesting to construct a 24’ x 48’ addition, which will be 357 square feet (including all other structures) over the code as follows: All structures on the lot, including accessory buildings, shall not exceed 30% of the lot area & to be 20’ from the east property line, where code requires a 25’ setback in an area zoned R-3 (One Family, Two Family and Townhouse Residential District).
E. Fawn Olerud, Project Address 1175 Wisconsin SW, is requesting to allow a newly constructed 6’ tall fence to remain on the west (alley) property line, where code requires a 5’ setback from the property line if there is solid waste collection along that line & where code states that 6’ tall fences may not be erected on those parts of the lot that are closer to the street than the principal building in an area zoned R-2 (One Family Residential District).
Further information available upon request at Inspection office - Phone: 353-8512