Huron, SD, USA

Hearing Examiner Meeting

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Name: Hearing Examiner Meeting
Date: November 20, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
Event Description:

A G E N D A 
A. Jennifer DeBoer, Project Address 721 3rd St SE, is requesting to add a 3’ X 4’ sign to an existing home occupation, where code allows one single surfaced nameplate sign for each dwelling not to exceed two square foot in area per surface in an area zoned I-2 (General Industrial District). 
B. Brittney Layher, Project Address 1729 Kansas SE, is requesting to:
1. Construct a detached garage 5’ from the west property line, where code requires a 20’ setback from the property line whenever a garage is designed to be entered directly from the alley &
2. Move the existing shed 1’ from the west and south property lines, where code states that structures may not be less than 5’ from the rear lot line if there is solid waste collection along that lot line and that detached accessory buildings may not be less than 3’ feet from the side property line (roof overhang limited to 1’) in an area zoned R-1 (One Family Residential District). 
Further information available upon request at Inspection office - Phone: 353-8512

City Commission Meeting Room
Municipal Building
239 Wisconsin Ave SW
(South Entrance)
Contact Information:
Inspection Office (605) 353-8512
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