Chamber Events
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
July 25, 2012
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
July 25, 2012
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
July 25, 2012
II. Approve the minutes of July 11, 2012.
III. Approval of the Parks & Recreation Bills.
IV. Approval of the Parks & Recreation Agenda.
V. Old Business
- Further review budget proposals for 2013 and consider other requests. Action needed: Based on agreement.
- Mention article in the newspaper on moving the gazebo and rose garden plans at Winter Park. Action needed: Based on donations and work with the garden club.
- Review acreage that the Parks & Recreation Department maintains and responsibilities involved. Action needed: Based on structure and facility use and planning.
- Mention the irrigation system in Memorial Park and renovation of the area. Action needed: Repairs are needed to bring this area back into condition after the flood.
New Business
- Mention tournaments that are held this week and weekend and what can be done to help tolerate the temperature concerning participants and spectators. Action needed: Based on agreement and any items available that can be used as a tent has been borrowed from the Chamber and water stations considered.
- Review the Griffith Foundation application and ideas for matching funding. Action needed: Motion to approve the proposal.
- Review the Land and Water Conservation Fund proposal and any ideas on matching funds. Action needed: Motion to approve proposal as agreement is reached.
- Review Putters & Scoops request concerning the mini-golf area. Action needed: Based on further improvement suggestions.
- Update the timetable for Bandshell improvements in Campbell Park. Action needed: None, the Thursday night program should be finished first.