Huron, SD, USA

Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

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Name: Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Date: September 18, 2013
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
September 18, 2013
  2. Approve the minutes of September 11, 2013.
  3. Approval of the Parks & Recreation Bills.
  4. Approval of the Parks & Recreation Agenda.
  5. Old Business
  1. Review items from the Huron Baseball Association that can be considered for this fall.  Action needed:  Based on funds requested/available and what has been done with the regular baseball budget.
  2. Review recreation fees and any other changes for 2014.  Action needed:  Motion to set fees as agreement can be reached.
  3. Mention the storage area work and the Hockey Association cooperation at Bergman/CAC Arena.  Action needed:  None, further operation items will be worked out as needed
  4. Update on landscape/irrigation contractor items that will be noted for completion/replacement this fall or next spring.  Action needed:  Based on the general contract for Splash Central/Central Park.
  1. New Business
  1. Review items that were mentioned for the board at Putters & Scoops for 2014.  Action needed:  None, some items can be done through the city budget.
  2. Update the work on Memorial Baseball Park infield and early play in the spring of 2014.  Action needed:  Spring baseball may need to be played on Klock Field.
  3. Consider purchase of an ice rink liner for Prospect Park and further discuss use of the tennis court area as we have had further requests/plans from a skateboard park group.  Action needed:  Agreement to purchase liner.
  4. Consider travel expenses to attend the SDPRA State Conference in Pierre.  Action needed:  Motion to approve.
  5. Mention board minutes posted on the city website as approved.  Action needed:  Based on the posting dates.
  6. Mention the request to spray flies at the fairgrounds.  Action needed:  None, for informational purposes only.
Plains Shoreline Room
960 4th St NE
Contact Information:
LaRon Klock
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