Chamber Events
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
September 18, 2013
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
September 18, 2013
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
September 18, 2013
- Approve the minutes of September 11, 2013.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Bills.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Agenda.
- Old Business
- Review items from the Huron Baseball Association that can be considered for this fall. Action needed: Based on funds requested/available and what has been done with the regular baseball budget.
- Review recreation fees and any other changes for 2014. Action needed: Motion to set fees as agreement can be reached.
- Mention the storage area work and the Hockey Association cooperation at Bergman/CAC Arena. Action needed: None, further operation items will be worked out as needed
- Update on landscape/irrigation contractor items that will be noted for completion/replacement this fall or next spring. Action needed: Based on the general contract for Splash Central/Central Park.
- New Business
- Review items that were mentioned for the board at Putters & Scoops for 2014. Action needed: None, some items can be done through the city budget.
- Update the work on Memorial Baseball Park infield and early play in the spring of 2014. Action needed: Spring baseball may need to be played on Klock Field.
- Consider purchase of an ice rink liner for Prospect Park and further discuss use of the tennis court area as we have had further requests/plans from a skateboard park group. Action needed: Agreement to purchase liner.
- Consider travel expenses to attend the SDPRA State Conference in Pierre. Action needed: Motion to approve.
- Mention board minutes posted on the city website as approved. Action needed: Based on the posting dates.
- Mention the request to spray flies at the fairgrounds. Action needed: None, for informational purposes only.