Chamber Events
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
October 23, 2013
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
October 23, 2013
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 a.m.
October 23, 2013
- Approve the minutes of September 18, 2013.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Bills.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Agenda.
- Old Business
- Review Hockey Association requests and discuss further the installation of hockey boards on the two tennis courts at Prospect Park. Action needed: Based on agreement and purchase of a 3rd rink liner for the tennis court area.
- Mention the warming house project for the Prospect Park ice rinks as fundraising may be done by the Leadership Huron group. Action needed: Motion to accept the project as proposed for the park.
- Consider stakeholder listings for the Lake & Riverfront Master Plan on the James River and Ravine Lake Park area and agreement signed with Stockwell Engineers. Action needed: Add any groups that will need notification of public meetings to develop this area.
- Update on landscape contractor items and items started on the punchlist for this fall at Central Park. Action needed: Based on general contractor directions or schedules.
- Mention the sign proposal from the Huron Soccer Association for signage at the Pepsi Soccer Field Complex. Action needed: Motion to approve sign plan and use of soccer development funds to move forward.
- Mention compromise on the dugout renovation project at Memorial Baseball Park. Action needed: Based on Baseball Association agreement.
- New Business
- Review Splash Central and Campus Center reports so far for 2013. Action needed: Based on explanation to the City Commission.
- Mention progress and billings for Splash Central/Central Park facilities and irrigation. Action needed: Based on general contract coverage.
- Mention loss or condition of old trees at Central Park. Action needed: None, construction and drainage will continue to affect trees.
- Mention meeting with the Risk Services Group on playgrounds to finish at Central Park. Action needed: Based on recommendations.
- Review carpet, window, and the cleaning/waxing estimates for the Campus Center. Action needed: Based on agreement.