Chamber Events
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
November 27, 2013
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Parks & Recreation Board Meeting
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 p.m.
November 27, 2013
Plains Shoreline Room
11:30 p.m.
November 27, 2013
- Approve the minutes of November 14, 2013.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Bills.
- Approval of the Parks & Recreation Agenda.
- Old Business
- Mention maintenance contract for the Campus Center and heating and cooling expenses. Action needed: Based on the study of the contract and Fine Arts Building decisions.
- Report on the meeting/presentation to the Leadership Huron group. Action needed: Based on building estimates and matching trust funds from the board.
- Mention brackets and boards are needed for the outdoor skating rink. Action needed: Expenses are necessary to complete the rink for use.
- Report on any work needed for the dugouts. Action needed: None, fencing can be done when materials are available.
- New Business
- Review content of the kick-off meeting for the James River Area Master Plan. Action needed: Based on public meeting schedules.
- Mention the Community Improvement Committee purchases for the downtown area. Action needed: Based on agreement.
- Mention advertising for Christmas parties and other events at the Campus Center. Action needed: None, further work needs to be done on maintenance of the buildings and expenses are involved.
- Mention policy on the snow removal for the trail around Central Park and the lighting decorations. Action needed: Based on agreement and cost estimates.
- Mention the skating instructor contract and amount per session. Action needed: Costs are less than last year as session 1 was not held. Motion to approve the agreement.
- Mention theft of items at Mt. Dew Softball Complex. Action needed: Based on agreement.